A birth chart (also known as a natal chart or astrology chart) is a map of where all the planets were in relation to the Sun, Moon and Rising at the exact moment you were born.
You probably know your Sun sign or zodiac sign, and you probably read your daily horoscopes, but do you know all of your other signs?That’s right. You have more than one!
To correctly calculate your natal chart, we need to know theexact date, time, and location of your birth—representing a snapshot of the sky at the moment you came into the world.
The combination of zodiac signs, planets and astrological signsmakes us unique. Each has its own distinct traits, strengths, and weaknesses.
Keep reading to learn all about what your birth chart can tell you about yourself.
What Can Your Birth Chart Tell You?
Your birth chart is a fantastic tool packed with information about who you are astrologically. It can tell you about:
Who you are at your core.
How others see you
Your areas of strength
Your weak areas
What careerpath that best suits you
How the unique influence of each planet affects your personality.
What lessons you need to learn in this life
This is a Brief description of all your planets, houses and signs.
If you would like a more Detailed Predictive Reading
I also offer Yearly Solar Return Charts and Birth Chart with Tarot Readings.
☽☆ In this reading you get a pdf of your Birth Chart ☆ ☽
With descriptions of Planets, signs and house
1 x Question If you wish to ask a question regarding love, career, life or family along with a follow up question after you received your order, any specific questions or topics you would like the reading to focus on. It helps if you include a description of the current situation in your life.
Please Provide
☽☆Date of Birth
☽☆Time of Birth (must know)
☽☆ Place of Birth ~ Town/City & State
☽☆ Please provide your email for me to send your chart and detailed reading