★ EMF ~ Protection
★ Manifestation
★ Abundance & Prosperity
★ Personal Development
Orgonite is a powerful spiritual tools that can be used to enhance all areas of your life – physical, emotional & spiritual. They can best be described as transmitters of universal light energy, also known as energy source. Orgonite automatically transform lower vibrational energy into positive vibrational energy creating a higher, more balanced & healthy state of being.
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Citrine is a very powerful stone to attract abundance and prosperity and to help one manifest their dreams into reality. Citrine works like a magnet; attracting opportunities, situations, tools, information and people needed in a person’s life to help the attainment of goals. This gemstone helps create abundance by teaching one how to use creativity and imagination to attract success and riches. Citrine improves self esteem, mental clarity, restores vitality, and amplifies the willpower to pursue worthy objectives. It encourages one to follow their dreams and take the action necessary towards moving forward making it perfect for entrepreneurs and personal development.
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Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Field
(EMF) radiation, is one type of toxin many people seek to eliminate from their environments.
What is EMF Radiation?
EMF radiation is a low form of artificial electromagnetic energy that comes from all electronic devices, including cell phones, tablets, and laptops.
This radiation is all around us, as our world becomes more and more digital. With mobile devices being used around the clock, current research shows that this close-range and chronic exposure to EMF radiation can cause a slew of biological changes to the body.
Size 60 mm to 70 mm height